Kleijn Nurseries and Garden Centre’s is pleased to announce our tree selection for 2017.
Our trees are mature , and ready to plant anytime. Our goal is to keep the trees listed in stock; call us to confirm availability. Not seeing that unique or elusive specie; we’ll try to track it down, and bring it in for you. Our trees generally come in recyclable plastic 15 gallon pots.

- Albizia – Silk tree, pink silk tree, Mimosa
- Amalanchier – Small shade tree, edible fruits, red fall color
- Magnolia Victoria – Evergreen foliage,with white flowers, fragrant
- Magnolia Edith Bogue – Evergreen foliage, very hardy, white flowers
- Magnolia Susan – Compact growing habit, red/ purple flowers
- Laburnum Vossi – Great long trusses of yellow flowers
- Liquidamber – Stunning deep burgundy fall color
- Cornus Kousa Satomie – Red flowering dogwood
- Cornus Eddie White Wonder – White flowering dogwoo
- Autumn Blaze Acer – Maple of brilliant orange red fall colouring
- Autumn Flame Acer – Maple of bright red color
- Princeton Gold – Maple, foliage is bright golden yellow
- Drummondii Acer – Maple, striking variegated foliage
- Globosum Acer – Maple. Dense compact form,
- Crimson King Acer – Maple of maroon foliage all summer
- Pin Oak Palustris – Green, glossy leaves ,brilliant red fall color.
- Red Oak Rubra – Glossy green leaves, rich red fall color
- Shirotea Mt Fuji – Japanese flowering Cherrie white flower
- Kwanzan – flowering cherry, double pink flower
- Subhirtella Pendula – Weeping form, graceful, pink flowers
- Prunus Pissardi – Ornamental plum, pink flowers, purple foliage
- Katsura – delicate heart-shaped leaves, bright autumn colour
- Malus Louisa – Weeping crabapple, pink flowers
- Betula pendula Youngii – Birch, in weeping form
- Betula Nigra – River Birch, bark peels in colorful flakes
- Cercis Forest Pansy – Deep purple foliage, heart shaped
- Robinia Frisia – Spectacular tree with golden-yellow leaves
- Sorbus Cardinal Royal – Mountain ash, red berries
- Salix Babilonica – Golden weeping willow
- Caragana “Walker” – Pea shrub, yellow flowers. Small tree
- Pyrus “Chanticleer” – heavy show of white flowers, fall colors
- Pyrus “Red spire” – white flowers, brilliant fall colors
- Palmatum Bloodgood – Upright Japanese maple, dark red leaves
- Palmatum Waterfall – Weeping Japanese maple, finely texture cut leaves, turning red orange in the fall
- Palmatum Crimson Queen – Weeping Japanese maple dark crimson leaf Color, turn scarlet in fall
- Palmatum Red Dragon – Weeping Japanese maple, deep purple-red laced foliage
- Palmatum Taiyo Nishike – A variegated, upright deciduous tree with green, pink and yellow leaves. Fall color is orange
- Palmatum Beni Shichihenge – Narrow upright twiggy growing this shrubby cultivar has spectacular deep coral foliage with green and white variegation