Expanded selection of fruit trees for 2018

Kleijn Nurserie and Garden Centre is pleased to announce our 2018 fruit tree selection. It always amazes us how popular our fruit trees are, and they usually sell out fast, so please, contact us to reserve your tree.

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2018 Fruit Tree Selection

Some of our trees are arriving in November 2017, all others will arrive February / March 2018.
You can find a list of our offerings below, or download a PDF version of this list.


  • Fuji Red Sport : late October, excellent eating apple, stores well
  • Royal Gala :  late summer apple. hardy, vigorous tree. firm, red apple
  • Red Gravenstein :  firm juicy with tart flavor
  • Granny Smith green apple, ripens late October
  • Red Free :  summer apple; tree is immune to scab and cedar rust
  • Honeycrisp :  large round apple, very crisp and juicy. Excellent keeper.
  • Paula Red :  early season eating apples. Small to medium apple, taste is mild
  • Cox Orange :  apples are yellow with red blush. thin skin, the firm flesh is very juicy
  • Florina :  European scab free, matures mid-October. Red apple
  • Libertysimilar to Spartan, scab and mildew resistant
  • Breaburn :  medium size apple, Excellent flavor, matures late, keeps well
  • Cox Orange Pippin :  medium size, firm apple, late sept to early oct
  • Ginger Gold :  early apple, great for pies
  • Red McIntosh:  medium to large, white tender flesh. Fall
  • Red Jonagold :  good dessert and canning apple. Late oct
  • Snowseet :  snow white flesh; Sweet with tart overtone. Bronze red color
  • Spartan : heavy producer, red fruit, juicy, crisp
  • Golden Reinette : russet patch, crisp, juicy and richly flavored.
  • Sunrise :  large pink / red apple. Crisp and juicy. One of best summer apple
  • Espalier Apple : 4 different kind, 2 tiers
  • Crabapple ”Dolgo” : good for jelly, small apples red, crisp and juicy
  • Combination: Jonagold, Red Gravenstein, Royal Gala, Spartan


  • Compact Stella  : Early, heavy crops of black heart shaped fruit
  • Lapins  : Resistant to cracking, large fruit
  • Bing  : deep dark red/black fruit, firm and juicy. Requires cross-pollination
  • Rainier :  yellow skin, pink blush, ripens before Bing. Large fruit
  • Schatten Morello : sour cherry


  • Bartlett :  medium large fruit, green when picked, bright yellow when ripe
  • Red Sensation : red Bartlett, late summer pear.
  • Anjou : excellent for fresh eating.
  • Conference : a good dessert pear, great for cooking. Late fall.
  • Flemish Beauty :  Dwarf, vigorous and productive. Large fruit, blushed, juicy
  • Chojuro :  oriental pear / firm texture, and crisp. Mid-august
  • 20th Century : mild and juicy, stores well. Ripens in early September
  • Shinko :  oriental pear / crisp, sweet; mid oct
  • QUINCE :  self-fertile. Pineapple like flavor. Ripens in October

 PLUMS ( European )

  • Peach Plum :  Yellowish and blushed skin. Semi freestone, extremely productive
  • Santa Rosa :  Very large round fruit, dark red skin, yellow flesh
  • Italian Plum  :  dark purple skin, yellow flesh, freestone
  • Mount Royal :  average sized blue fruit with yellow flesh; firm, juicy. Sept
  • Yellow Egg : large oval, bright yellow. Sweet, mid-season
  • Blue Damson : purple, green flesh. Tart, excellent for jams and preserves
  • Green Gage : sweet, good for eating, cooking and canning or jam. Mid-season.


  • Frost : leaf curl resistant. Freestone, good quality and producer. Mid Aug. self-fertile.
  • Veteran : freestone, golden yellow skin, red blush.


  • Flavotop : self-fertile, vigorous and productive. Mid-season
  • Fantasia :red with yellow large firm smooth fruit. Mid to late July    


  • Sacajawea : early variety; August
  • Jefferson : new variety, resistant to fire blight
  • Yamhill : shorter than most varieties, nuts have nice texture, flavorful, resistant to fire blight
  • Theta : small to medium size nuts, pollinator for Jefferson. Blight immune