On Wednesday we received our fruit trees, a much anticipated time for us and our gardener friends looking to grow their own tasty food. We have some new choices too, pick your favorite. There is nothing more satisfying than watching your kids picking tasty, healthy fruits from your own trees!
We usually sell out, but can accommodate all your requirements, call us to set aside your tree or confirm availability.

Below is this year’s selection is; you can also download this list in pdf format, here.
2020 Fruit Tree Selection
2 year old fruit trees, bare roots
- Fuji: Late October, excellent eating apple, stores well.
- Royal Gala : late summer apple. hardy, vigorous tree. firm, red apple.
- Red Gravenstein : Firm juicy with tart flavor.
- McIntosh: very hardy, medium to large fruit, red color
- Granny Smith: green skin, ripens late october
- Sunrise: large pink-red apple, crisp, juicy. Very productive
- Red Northern Spy: best winter apple, late season. Red, and hardy
- Honeycrisp : large round apple, very crisp and juicy. Excellent keeper
- Yellow Transparent: Green cooking apple. Hardy.
- Spartan: Heavy producer. Dark red fruit, juicy and crisp. Eat fresh or cooked.
- Florina* : European scab free, matures mid-October. Red apple
- Liberty* : similar to Spartan, scab and mildew resistant
- Combination apple: jonagold,gravenstein, gala,spartan
- Bartlett : medium large fruit, green when picked, bright yellow when ripe.
- Bosc: Fruit is medium large, heavily russeted. Juicy and very sweet
- Highland: outstanding winter pear. Yellow, juicy and sweet
- Red Sensation : Red Bartlett, late summer
- Scarlett : Large fruit, yellow when ripe. Fresh eating or canning
- Twenty century : oriental pear, mild and juicy, stores well
- Chojuro : sweet flavor, ripens in august
- Peach Plum: semi free stone, sweet flavor. Tree is very productive
- Gold Plum : large, round bright yellow fruit, clingstone, early to mid-season ”J”
- Red Heart : Red skin, red flesh. Sweet flavor “J”
- Santa Rosa : Very large round fruit, dark red skin, yellow flesh “J”
- Italian Plum : Dark purple skin, yellow flesh, freestone “E”
- Compact Stella: Early, heavy crops of black heart shaped fruit
- Lapins : Resistant to cracking, large fruit.
- Bing : Deep dark red/black fruit, firm and juicy. Requires pollinator
- Sweetheart : Bright red, large fruit. Very productive. Late July
- Rainier : Large, yellow cherry with red blush. Delicate flavor. Need pollinator
- Champion : sweet and flavorful, good for coastal areas
- Le borgeot : Pear flavor. Great for jams and jellies
The following are potted and only available in late spring 2020 (April / May)
- Fuyu
- Reliance
- Red Haven
- Veteran
- Frost
- Fantasia
Regarding Pollination and Pollinators:
Some fruit trees are semi or full self-fertile, but most need a pollinator to produce a heavy fruit crop. A pollinator is another variety with a flower season that overlaps the variety in question and produces adequate pollen. Many urban areas have enough existing fruit trees so pollination is never a problem. If there are none nearby, it is necessary to plant pollinators.
We do our best to source quality trees, refunds on bare roots are, unfortunately, not available. Trees subject to availability.